Wednesday, March 23, 2016

6 Months Nursing!

With each new baby I try to have zero expectations and take each day one at a time. I feel this keeps me in the moment and keeps me from becoming easily discouraged. Today I thought I would journal a bit about how nursing has gone this far.

The biggest issue we have dealt with is little miss's very shallow latch. The only time we have seen a lactation consultant was in the hospital. So I have been managing on my own. It is very hard to get out to do anything when I have three little's in tow and work full time. Luckily though I have had little issue dealing with  the lousy latch. However, this is my third baby and so I know what nursing should feel like and how to increase the latch. If you are having latch issues I recommend seeing a consultant because a poor latch can lead to other issues. For us popping her lip and adjusting potions has been sufficient to avoid any pain issues. 

With luck I have managed to only have one clogged duct! Nearly 7 months in and that's the worst so far! Go boobs!

Pumping has been a struggle. I am either not responding to my pump or I have low supply issues. My hunch is that I have pump issues. I have not had to rely so heavy on pumping with my older two babies as I do with E.  This has been a struggle and jouney I have never experienced before. 

As different  and as hard as this journey has been we are still going strong on the nursing road. My goal is to do at least one year nursing at at 7 months I feel we will make that for sure.