Monday, October 7, 2013

Growing Baby, changing nursing.

You may have noticed that as your baby grows the same holds won't seem to work exactly the same way. Nursing is a constantly changing learning curve. As your baby grows everthing changes every couple of months.  Supply changes.  You have to re learn how to best juggle your ever changing baby. Here is some tips for counting sucess.

1- Don't stress!  Your body will adjust your supply.

2- breath. If you are calm vaby will follow your lead.

3- Don't be afraid to explore.  Try different holds, follow baby's lead. If they are not thrashing around they are probably comfortable. 

4- Enjoy nursing. Take time to remember why you chose to breastfeed.

5- Surround yourself with support in any form you can find.

Setting goals and sticking to them can make you feel accomplished.  Remember to keep them realistic.  Keep in mind things like how much solids baby is eating, other fluids and snacks too. Keep tge calorie intake high. Add the formula or breadtmilk to ceral and even purees.  Offer the breast first and then give some solids.

Personaly I still prefer to nurse on the go. It is more convenient and my kids never eat much on the go. I have found find a place with as few distractions as possible or nursing while walking works best for my curios and easily distracted babies.

The most important thing to remember is as long as you are doing what feels right to you, you are doing amazing.  So follow your gut and your baby's lead and you will be able to nurse as long as you both desire.

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