Friday, August 7, 2015

Talking to your boss about lactation breaks and maternity leave.

So your about to take your leave and before you go you need to have one of the most important conversations of your life.

I want to help take some of the stress out of the conversation.
Thanks to the new healthcare reform this conversation should go easy. Here are a few steps to take. 

Know your stuff. Google both your state laws and Federal laws. Starting the conversation by saying "I know that...."  Will get the conversation going in a good direction. Your employer will have a hard time cheating you if you already know the law.

Have a plan. Come up with a simple plan and present it to your employer. Leave room for compromise and work the deal together. Try to work in a line that says that as your needs change your break times do as well.

Write an email. After you strike your deal recapping what you discussed so there is documentation.

If you are worried about talking about leave here is the deal.

Most Managers are being taught to be very careful because pregnancy is a protected status. Just as no one can fire you for being a woman, You can not be fired simply because you are pregnant. 9 of 10 employers are going to help accommodate you in the work place. What that will look like in each work place will vary. The good news here is that  having a conversation about leave is usually easy. And most managers are happy for you.

If you are having trouble the best place to turn is the department of labor.

Most important thing is to do your research and know your rights, and do what is best for you and baby.

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