Friday, January 8, 2016

WAHM Review: Ninny Biscuits GIVEAWAY


One of the biggest concerns of nursing mothers is a lack of supply. Practically from the time we start nursing we wonder if we are making enough milk for our babies. We wonder if we are enough. Typically speaking we do generally produce more than enough milk for our babies. However there are things we do to our bodies that can decrease our supply. One of which is pumping more then we are actually nursing our baby. This has been my trouble. And so when I met with Cheryl a lactation cookie making mama. I thought to myself why not give it a try. Between issues with the pump and the flanges, and never really being near baby enough I needed a little something to give me a boost. Ninny Biscuits provided just that.

Ninny Biscuits are a quick and easy solution to us moms who don't have enough time to whip up a batch of our own lactation cookies. Cheryl has pre-made mixes and all you have to do is add a couple of ingredients. The cookies bake quickly and tastes great. They are easy enough to let the kids help. Ninny Biscuits is a sweet solution to a low supply.

I love helping a work at home mom. I wish that my job didn't have such amazing benefits and I too could stay at home with my kids. So my heart is heavy with a need to help working moms. Cheryl is a Mama of my own heart who looks to help other nursing mommies. She uses excellent quality ingredients and offers an array of yummy selections.

The cookies I tested were chocolate and toffee. They were easy to make. They have clear instructions  and a great ingredients list . My kids also thought they were quite delicious. From a nutritional cookie I think that's a pretty good sign of great taste. I loved enjoying these cookies in the morning. They would hit the spot and keep the hunger at bay, and I noticed a good improvement in my supply.

I plan to continue to order from Ninny Biscuits due to not having time to create my own milk increasing concoctions. I need the supply boost and ordering from another mama is a great way to get my fix. I also have goals to extend breastfeeding and maybe even donate later. This all creates a need for a boost.

My first order will be for one of you lucky readers! Leave a blog comment telling us a way you increase your supply, or other supply fun fact.  One reader will win one bag of cookie mix! 

Like my facebook page for a bonus entry! 
Like Ninny Biscuits for a bonus entry!

Let us know you liked us in your comment!

Ends on Jan 16th 2016


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I recently started drinking blue Gatorade. Not sure how much he it is helping though. I did see a recipe on pinterest for mango smoothies I will be trying

    1. Gatorade has totally helped me in a pinch. Hate all the sugar but I have to admit I do enjoy the grape.

    2. Is it any Gatorade that is suppose to help? I'll be honest I'm not a real fan of the blue lol

    3. I think like anything it depends on the person... I never do the blue and i still get a kick in supply. I think it has more to do with hydration and electrolytes then anything.

    4. Congrats! You are the new winner! Please email me at !

    5. Awesome! Thank you! I sent you an email :) Hope it went through

    6. Awesome! Thank you! I sent you an email :) Hope it went through

  3. Ive tried pretty much everything and still struggle to keep up my supply ��

    1. I hear ya Mama, I have had a hard time. are you a pumper or just nursing?

    2. If you want to look me up on facebook and send me a message, I'd also be happy to discuss possible supply issues with you! - Cheryl from Ninny Biscuits

  4. Gatorade has definitely kept me hydrated which I felt was a great help! Like both the pages :)

    1. Awesome! staying hydrated is so important. Just remember drink to thirst because over hydration can actually hurt supply too.

    2. Mommy26! you are the winner. Please send me an email and we will get you set up.

    3. mommy please email me .. your prize is still unclaimed I will pick a new winner if you do not email me tonight!

  5. I boost my supply by drinking more than a gallon of water a day! On days I do not hit the gallon, I notice a major drop in supply.

  6. I liked Ninny Biscuit's Facebook page.

  7. I liked Ninny Biscuit's Facebook page.

  8. Oh I liked both the Facebook pages too :)
