Saturday, April 12, 2014

Nursing a one year old and beyond

My little guy is now nearly a year and a half old.  Time has flown faster with him being a second child then it did with my first. And time with her had already been going too fast. It seems to me every month of nursing brings new changes. How is a mama to cope?

1- Baby (yes I said baby) takes up more room now. Be sure to keep your arm and back well supported. Even if nursing sessions have become shorter, it is important your body is comfortable and ergonomic. Don't toss that nursing pillow yet. And don't be afraid to try new positions. If baby wants to try nursing sitting up. Help him to insure a good latch and let them munch.  If it become Uncomfortable, break the latch and adjust. Take care of your body mama's it's the only one you got.

2- At this point your supply might slowly decrease. This can cause some breastfeeding tenderness. Try to, as best baby will allow, have a few regular nursing times. I try to always nurse before he goes to bed. Offering the beast before meals can also help maintain a long term supply.  

3- Keep hydrated. It is as important now as ever. When out and about a sip of breastfeeding milk can be better for hydration then plain water. That's exactly how for Emily works. It is the thirst clencher. 

4- Be flexible. Don't feel like baby has to nurse everyday. If you miss a day your supply will not dry up over night. It's takes weeks and sometimes months for breast to completely stop producing. 

5- Enjoy every moment.  At any day any time weaning could begin. You will miss it I promise. So hold close to each moment. Engage in eye contact, smile, talk, and sing or read.  Make the most of the time you won't regret it. 

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