Monday, April 15, 2013

Using and Nursing in a Moby Wrap

One of my most favorite baby care iteams has been my moby wrap. There are a couple big reasons why. One it is very comfortable, and doesnt cause back strein. Two because of how easy it is to nurse in it. 

First i'll break down how I wear the moby, then I will break down how to nurse in it. 

1- i use the gather method. Pinch and gather the fabicand center the tag at you belly button.

2- pull both ends around your waist and then up and over the opposite shoulder, to form a X.  Where the X is on your shoulders is what determines how high or low baby will sit. I always make sure my X is between my shoulder blades. You should try different heights to see what works for you.

3- place both ends under the front flap of fabric, behind the tag. And cross them to orm a secound X on your front.

4- wrap around your waist as much as possible and tie a knot, i do two nots just to be safe.

5- get ready to place baby
A- face baby to you and lower them into the X. They should be chest to chest with you. Spread the fabric closes to you between their legs from knee to knee, then do the same with the other. Pull the front flap up and over babys bum and to their shoulders. Legs can hang out with fabric resting under babys bum or legs can stay covered, i usually base this on weather.


Nursin Hold

Choose the breast your going to feed with and lift the fabric fold on that side above you breast.

Place baby on the shoulder of the same side. Open the opposite fold and stretch it over babys whole body as you lower them in. 

Pull the front fabric over the topof baby's body. Unlike the other holds you will have to support baby's head as you nurse.

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